With DotA AutoScript, you can rock your opponents with one activation hotkey. There is no complicated setup process or keyboard re-mapping necessary, simply launch DotA AutoScript and start playing DotA. Pressing ‘4′ will cast your powers on the mouse curson location in a sequence announced by the DotA Autoscript announcer. Pressing ‘5′ will “shift-queue” these powers on your mouse cursor location. DotA AutoScript also allows you to bind custom hotkeys for inventory items which will work no matter which inventory slot the item is in.
DotA-Autoscript leverages several technologies from the field of artificial intelligence to enhance your situational awareness and increase your fighting effectiveness. Neural network image recognition technology can monitor your inventory items and/or hero abilities to build a computer model of what powers are at your disposal in real-time. An expert system identifies the most effective combination of these powers and makes them available to cast at the push of a button. A text-to-speech audio announcer informs you when a power finishes its cooldown and becomes part of your arsenal.

An action screenshot illustrating a DotA Autoscript combo, taken while playing DotA as Lion:
DotA-Autoscript leverages several technologies from the field of artificial intelligence to enhance your situational awareness and increase your fighting effectiveness. Neural network image recognition technology can monitor your inventory items and/or hero abilities to build a computer model of what powers are at your disposal in real-time. An expert system identifies the most effective combination of these powers and makes them available to cast at the push of a button. A text-to-speech audio announcer informs you when a power finishes its cooldown and becomes part of your arsenal.
Screenshots of the DotA Autoscript GUI, taken while playing DotA as Lina Inverse:
An action screenshot illustrating a DotA Autoscript combo, taken while playing DotA as Lion:
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