Mogul Khan's(Axe) ability to disrupt an enemy team is legendary, his tanking skills renowned. His Battle Hunger gives enemies the choice between staying back and taking damage, or engaging in battle and risking being trapped by Berserker's Call. The extremely effective combination of Berserker's Call and Counter Helix can cause massive amounts of damage to a large group of enemies, while allowing his allies free reign. If an enemy should manage to escape his Call, Mogul Khan can abruptly end their life with his mighty Culling Blade. Truly, the Axe is an enemy to be feared, lest his opponents taste his blade!

NightCrawler(Slark)*Coming Soon*

The Troll Warlord(Jah'rakal) is a pure fighter, able to attack from a distance or up close, where he becomes stronger overall and may also bash. He capitalizes on attack speed, being able to strike and move quickly, as well as enhance his allies to sometimes do the same. Jah'rakal can also Blind his opponents, making it difficult for them to land attacks. Additionally, successive attacks landed on a target enable greater focus for Jah'rakal, greatly increasing his attack speed. If he is able to acquire items and momentum soon enough, there aren't many fighters who can best him.

The Venomancer(lesale Deathbriger) uses an assortment of toxins to slowly bring down his enemies. He can shoot a fast Venomous Gale projectile out that poisons in a narrow wave front of him, which will slow enemies down greatly and deal damage over time. His attacks are coated with Poisonous Stingers that deal minor slow and damage. He can place Plague Wards far out in front of him to scout, or in the battle to push and even block off routes. His ultimate Poison Nova attack unleashes potent toxin in a large ring around his body, infecting everyone it hits, ealing large damage, but over a long time. Though this toxin is non-lethal, every other poison he carries is. He is exceptional at weakening enemies, and slowing them down.

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